9 Amazing Fun Facts About Otters you need to know

 Did you know that despite being born at water, baby sea otters are called pups and cannot swim?
The largest members of the weasel family are charismatic otters. Otters, unlike other weasels, are semi-aquatic. Their slim bodies are from 2 and 5.9 feet long. On five continents, thirteen otter species slide down riverbanks, juggle rocks, and float on their backs. 1 Only Australia and Antarctica are devoid of indigenous otters.

Only one otter species is rated as "least concern" on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Discover 15 more surprising facts about these amazing beasts.

9 Amazing Fun Facts About Otters you need to know

Lets see the Some Fascinating Facts About Otters

1. There are thirteen different otter species found all over the world. Some of the otters are little river otters, while others are larger sea otters.

2. The coast of Alaska is home to 90% of all sea otters.

3.They're ravenous creatures! Every day, sea otters consume 25% of their body weight in food.

4. Sea urchins, clams, mussels, and crabs are among their favorite foods. They rummage for clams with their paws and find little things to eat with their sea whiskers.

5. Clever creatures, they'll crack up the clams with rocks. Who needs carrier bags when they can carry pebbles and keep food in the loose skin under their armpits?

6. They don't have a covering of fat like most marine mammals. They do, however, have the thickest fur of any animal.

7. Pups are the young otters. Newborn puppies require a lot of attention and will remain near to their mothers until they've learned enough to survive on their own, which normally happens at 6 months.

8. The fur of an otter pup is too dense to allow it to swim underwater. As a result, their mother abandons them to float as she goes in quest of food until their adult fur grows in.

9. Do not challenge an otter to a breath-holding contest! River otters can hold their breath for up to 8 minutes, whereas sea otters can stay underwater for up to 5 minutes.

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